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Operating systems Three Easy Pieces: Chapter 16 solution

Question 1

segmentation.py -a 128 -p 512 -b 0 -l 20 -B 512 -L 20 -s 0

ARG seed 0
ARG address space size 128
ARG phys mem size 512

Segment register information:

  Segment 0 base  (grows positive) : 0x00000000 (decimal 0)
  Segment 0 limit                  : 20

  Segment 1 base  (grows negative) : 0x00000200 (decimal 512)
  Segment 1 limit                  : 59

Virtual Address Trace
  VA  0: 0x00000061 (decimal:   97) --> PA or segmentation violation?
  VA  1: 0x00000035 (decimal:   53) --> PA or segmentation violation?
  VA  2: 0x00000021 (decimal:   33) --> PA or segmentation violation?
  VA  3: 0x00000041 (decimal:   65) --> PA or segmentation violation?
  VA  4: 0x00000033 (decimal:   51) --> PA or segmentation violation?

For each virtual address, either write down the physical address it translates to
OR write down that it is an out-of-bounds address (a segmentation violation). For
this problem, you should assume a simple address space with two segments: the top
bit of the virtual address can thus be used to check whether the virtual address
is in segment 0 (topbit=0) or segment 1 (topbit=1). Note that the base/limit pairs
given to you grow in different directions, depending on the segment, i.e., segment 0
grows in the positive direction, whereas segment 1 in the negative.

The first address is 108

The second address is 53

Question 2

Highest in legal seg0 is 19. Lowest legal in seg1 is 108. Lowest illegal in whole space is 20, highest illegal 107. Generate all the possible comma separated virtual address with this python script:

','.join([str(i) for i in range(128)])

Then use them with the -A flag. Of course one doesn’t need all of them. Only 19,20,107,108 is enough. But why not?

Question 3

./segmentation.py -a 16 -p 128 -A 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15 --b0 0 --l0 2 --b1 16 --l1 2

Question 4

Generated address are all within the address space. So one needs to give seg0 and seg1 length of 90% of the address space in total.

./segmentation.py -a 100 -p 512 -n 1000 --b0 0 --l0 45 --b1 100 --l1 45 -c

Question 5

./segmentation.py -a 100 -p 512 -n 10 --b0 0 --l0 0 --b1 100 --l1 0 -c