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Operating systems Three Easy Pieces: Chapter 18 solution

Question 1

Table size will decrease as page size increase. But the problem with larger page would be internal fragmentation in the pages.

Question 2

./paging-linear-translate.py -P 1k -a 16k -p 32k -v -u 0

All the addresses are invalid as none of the pages are allocated

./paging-linear-translate.py -P 1k -a 16k -p 32k -v -u 25

Page size is 1k, log(1k) = 10 bits are required to describe every address. Address space size is 16k. There can be 16 pages in total, so log(16) = 4 more bits are required to describe a page number.

Question 3

The first one is unrealistically small.

Question 4

The program doesn’t work when: